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Saturday, September 7, 2024
Samid Hussain
Samid Hussain
Cornerstone Research
Senior Vice President


Samid Hussain coheads the consumer fraud and product liability practice at Cornerstone Research, a litigation consulting firm that provides economic and financial analysis and expert testimony to attorneys, corporations, and government agencies involved in complex litigation and regulatory proceedings. He also serves on the firm’s executive and conflict resolution committees.

Hussain specializes in analyzing economic, marketing, and statistical issues in competition, consumer fraud, product liability, antitrust, healthcare, breach of contract, and intellectual property matters. He frequently consults on economic and marketing issues related to liability, class certification, and damages and has worked on several prominent cases involving allegations of false claims, consumer fraud, product liability, product misrepresentation, product defects, and false and deceptive advertising.

Hussain has experience in the automotive, IT, oil and gas, airline, genetically modified organism (GMO), and telecommunication industries. A teacher at Stanford University and Cornell University, Hussain holds a PhD in economics and a MA in economics and education administration, both from Cornell University. He earned a BS in electrical engineering from Purdue University.

Areas of expertise

Group Overview

Firm Overview