Generative AI Adoption in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

Generative AI (gen AI) is poised to transform the healthcare sector, with over 70% of healthcare leaders surveyed in Q1 2024 reporting ongoing or planned implementations of gen AI capabilities. The survey, involving 100 US healthcare leaders, reveals that most respondents are currently in the proof-of-concept stage, evaluating the trade-offs between returns, risks, and strategic priorities. While a significant number are partnering with third-party vendors to develop customized solutions, concerns about risks and technology needs persist, with 57% of non-adopters citing these as primary reasons for their hesitance.

Despite its potential, the adoption of gen AI in healthcare faces challenges, particularly regarding governance and risk management. Surveyed leaders identified risk considerations, insufficient capabilities, and limited tech infrastructure as key barriers to scaling up gen AI solutions. As organizations enhance their competencies in these areas, they may shift focus toward core clinical applications, ultimately aiming to improve patient experiences. However, the path to responsible gen AI usage necessitates proactive risk mitigation strategies to address issues like inaccurate outputs and biases, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and maintaining patient safety.

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