IBM Study Highlights C-Suite AI Concerns

A recent IBM Institute for Business Value study reveals growing concerns among C-suite executives about their IT teams' ability to deliver basic services, despite a push toward accelerated generative AI adoption. The global study, involving 2,500 technology executives from 34 countries, shows a significant decline in confidence, with 47% of respondents expressing confidence in the effectiveness of their IT organizations in providing fundamental service, down from 69% in 2013. This decline is even more pronounced among CEOs and CFOs, with only 36% and 50%, respectively, expressing confidence in their IT teams.

As IT leaders focus on optimizing infrastructure for generative AI, the study underscores the need for stronger collaboration between tech CxOs and CFOs, a critical factor for organizational success cited by two-thirds of surveyed CEOs. However, the study also reveals a disconnect, with only 39% of tech CxOs collaborating with finance to embed tech metrics into business cases. IBM's Mohamad Ali emphasized the importance of aligning technology investments with measurable business outcomes to drive value from AI, highlighting the challenges tech leaders face in modernizing infrastructure while scaling AI capabilities.

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